6 OS's, 5 databases, 26 technologies
Technologies: XHTML/HTML4/HTML5, XML, XSLT, XSD, CCS2/CCS3,JS/Ajax, Silverlight, SharePoint
Scripting/Languages: PHP/Perl, Ruby on Railsm, .NET, ASP.NET, C#
Data network (LAN, WAN), Web dedicated/cloud servers/ VPS, Wireless Networks, NetApp Storage Systems, Virtual Infrastructure Security.
Flash Animation, Flash(AS2/AS3), Flex, FlexPod, Cartoons animations. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Languages/Oss: Windows Phone, Java (Android), Objective C (IOS (iPhone)), Adobe Air (iPad)
MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Oracle, MSSQL
Cisco, VMware, NetApp Fujitsu, McAfee, Symantec, Microsoft.
UI, Functionality, Automation, Load, Performance
We can provide you with any specialist,
from every IT field, thanks to our
training and education departments.
Effective building of the company's
information systems and the development and
optimization of information processes.
Chief Executive Officer
Vice President
Vice President Latin America
Vice President Development Issues
Organizational Development
Resource Development
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